Today was a cross training and strength training day. I felt really good after my run, so I definitely wanted to work my legs out as well as do some cardio so I did a lifting routine concentrating on my legs and finished the workout with a low impact cardio workout: rowing.
I started with just 5 minutes of walking uphill to get my heart rate up without running and then I did a leg workout. I started with lunges and leg extension alternations. First I did a right foot lunge. Most people do alternating lunges but I started with concentrated lunges. I had a 15lb weight in each hand and lunged my right foot out (see pic below). I lunged down and came up, lunged down and came up keeping my right foot out. I did 10 of these and switched legs and did the same with the left leg. I then jumped on a leg extension machine (see 2nd pic below) and did a warm up set of 12 at 70lbs, double legged. I then did another set of reps alternating right and left foot at 40 lbs, and did a set of 10 at 100lbs. I then jumped off and did another set of concentrated lunges. I repeated this for a total of 3 sets alternating. Remember when doing lunges to keep your knee behind your toe and when you're doing leg extensions to remain slow and controlled. If you have to swing your legs or grip anything with your hands, the weight is too heavy.
*Lunges work your quads and butt the most*
*Leg Extensions work your quads the most*
Next, I alternating sets of leg curls and alternating lunges. Leg curls can be done a few different ways, but I prefer on the machine in which you lay down. There is another machine where you sit down but I don't like it as much. Alternating lunges are similar to concentrated lunges except instead of keeping one foot forward, you lunge down and pop back up and lunge out with your other foot. I did a warm up set on 40lbs of 12 of leg curls and then did 12 alternating lunges. I then did leg curls again but alternated each foot on 25lbs and then another set of alternating lunges. I finished up with another set of double legged curls and one more set of alternating lunges.
*Leg curls work your hamstrings and butt the most*
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Next I did a set of seated leg presses. This was to ensure I worked my legs out to exhaustion. I did a warm up set on 30lbs, a set of 10 on 110lbs, a set of one legged presses at 40lbs, and a set of 12 double legged at 90lbs. I always like to try start at less than a 90 degree angle so that when I return to the starting position I don't clank the weights and I have a more controlled lift.
*Seated Leg Press works pretty much the entire leg*
Next, I did abductors and adductors. There is a machine for this and I enjoy using a lighter weight and doing a ton of reps to feel the burn! Abductors are done by opening your legs with weight pushing against your legs and adductors are done by pressing your legs together while weight resists.
I do 50 of each on a lighter weight.
*Abductors work your outer leg and butt the most*
*Adductors work your inner thigh*
Finally I did some calf raises. These can be done a variety of ways, there are machines built for this or you can just find a block, step, etc to step on. Keep your tippy toes on the ledge and let your heel fall down and just stand up on your tippy toes. I did 3 sets 20.
To conclude the entire workout I did a 15 minute rowing exercise. According to my book, rowing is one of the best cardio exercises to do on a down day. There are rowing machines in most gyms that are a lot of fun. During your down times from running it's important if you do cardio to make it extremely low impact as you recover. Rowing is very low impact, it's fun, and it's a good workout. Rowing isn't all that hard either. It takes a couple tries to get in sync with yourself, but once that happens, it's easy. In 15 minutes I burned 215 calories, and today I feel a little sore in the muscles in my back, which is always a good sign!
How I Felt:
I felt great! At the end of the lifting portion, I could feel my legs tiring out which is the goal.
What I'd Recommend:
Always use lighter weights and work up to heavier ones. This way you aren't burnt out the next few days and you don't risk injury as much. Also, when using machines, read the instructions if you need. Don't just hop on a machine and go...there are certain settings for heights and you want the optimal workout, so read!
How I Felt Today:
I felt really good. My legs are a tiny bit sore, but nothing like last week. My back muscles are sore from rowing, but that will subside tomorrow. Today was a rest day so I should be good as new tomorrow
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