My Family Getting Ready to Run Fontana Days Half Marathon 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 1 and 2: Track Repeats (The Lovely Sprints), and Kettlebells

Day 1 (8/5/2012):
So today was my first workout in this 18 week training program. The first run of the week are always track repeats and today there were 12 of them...

So I started with a mile of slow warm up (12:00), then I started my track repeats. The repeats were 12x400M (1 time around the track) in 1:56 (a little under 8 minutes a mile) with a 90 second rest interval and ended with a 10 minute cool down.

I used a treadmill... the thing with treadmills is they keep you consistent. If you run around a track you have the opportunity to slow down and speed up as you wish; a treadmill keeps you at pace. One thing to keep in mind is treadmills are very rarely accurate, so I always use my running watch. I set the treadmill at a speed that correlates with my watch at the correct pace.

How I Felt:
I felt strong for the first half of the workout. I ran the repeats at the same speed each time. I used the 90 second rest period for 30 seconds at 10 minutes/mile, 30 seconds at 11:00/mile, and 30 seconds walking. After the first 4, I took the full 90 seconds to walk and get water. I then ran the next two the same as the first cadence (with the taper down rest intervals) and after the 6th repeat I felt myself get really tired. Jeff Galloway stresses that walking is okay and I wanted to make sure I could finish the entire workout, so I used the rest intervals from the 7th-12th repeat to jog slowly or walk the entire time. I believe this is the reason why I finished each sprint repeat strongly.

What I'd recommend:
Use the treadmill. It keeps you consistent. Make sure that if you need to walk on the rest intervals, walk! This way you can maintain a consistent speed during the sprints and you'll be able to finish the entire workout. Make sure you have plenty of water.

How I felt After:
I actually felt great. I wasn't completely drained and I felt I could continue my day as normal. I stretched for about 15 minutes afterward as well which I know kept me feeling good the next day.


Day 2 (8/6/2012):
Today was a cross-training day. I love doing Kettlebells. If you aren't familiar with Kettlebells, read this. Kettlebells have become really popular lately, and they really do your body good! I love doing them for a variety of reasons, but mostly because I get such a good burn in an hour of exercise. I also feel like I've really conquered something in that some of the techniques require practice and when you finally get one, it's like "ahhhhh! I did it!". I've read numerous articles on what cross training exercises are best for runners (most of which Kettlebells come up), but I do them because last year I saw a decrease in my times in my races as well as saw a huge impact on my body. I also have two good friends that use them daily and they have really turned their bodies around!

I did Bob Harpers Cardio Shred (get it here)... using Jillian Michaels kettlebells (get them here)... The workout is 54 minutes long from start to finish (includes warmups and stretches at the end). This workout from start to finish had me sweating! He has you do a variety of normal moves (swings, cleans, snatches) as well as incorporates unique moves (burpees, close grip push ups, crabs). There are no breaks. I love that Bob walks you through every move so for a newbie he shows you how to do every exercise. 

Home. I was able to do this workout in between conference calls on a Monday!

How I felt: 
Exhausted. I haven't done this workout since last year and I didn't remember how hard it was. I felt really good after I completed it though! My legs are a little sore and a little tired but I can't wait to do it again. 

What I'd Recommend: 
Just do it! If you have to modify some of the workout, it's okay...Bob even tells you how. The Kettlebells that I own have a 5, 10, and 15 pound bell. You can go down in weight if you need. I saw power through it because it is quite the accomplishment when you're done!  

Day 1 and 2. Done and done!
:) Maggie

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