My Family Getting Ready to Run Fontana Days Half Marathon 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

Running With Orthotics

Greetings Everyone!

I know it's been awhile since I've blogged (again). Last time I wrote, I told of my pronated feet and arthritis.

All my life, I've had pronation of the ankles. This is when your ankles roll inward like this. To the right is an example of what your foot should look versus a pronated foot.

What this does essentially is creates more pressure and stresses on your feet, knees, hips, and back. Since I've had this issue my whole life I have never really noticed how much it has affected me.

So, how did I get this and why? I walked at nine months and I was a particularly heavy baby. The extra weight coupled with walking early, my ankles developed that way.

I went to the chiropractor for problems I was having with my hips running longer distances and he traced the problems in my hips and knees to my foot and prescribed me orthotics. I got my orthotics custom made and received them about two weeks later. Let me first say that orthotics take a lot of getting used to. Because I was so used to walking, standing, and running pronated; walking, standing, and running with orthotics was terrible to say the least the first few times. Just wearing them at work was painful to my back and running with them--well I couldn't even run 2 miles without stopping due to pain. I tried again and got blisters on my arch. The key is wear them in every shoe possible for as long as possible to get used to them and also to help the pronation. It is uncomfortable at first because your body is changing the way it's used to doing things. It's crazy that just a slight change in how your foot sits can affect your entire body! My chiropractor (who has worn the same orthotics I have for the past 20 years) said I will be faster in my runs and I won't be as sore after long runs. I ran for a third time with orthotics and was able to run 8 miles with little discomfort. My blister on my right foot got a little worse so I need to figure out what that's about but it wasn't unmanageable.

Did I mention I had to change shoes? In a previous post I raved about my Nike+ Free Run 2 model I was using. I think this was the part of this ordeal I was most bummed about. There was no way around needing new shoes. I had to go from a minimalist shoe to a "neutral" shoe with more support. I started running with the Nike+ Structure 16 model. It's a little heavier but definitely a great shoe so far!

So now that I know these orthotics will help out after I get used to them, I offer the same advice to everyone...if you need orthotics, GET THEM, and DON'T GIVE UP. They are uncomfortable in the beginning but they will  help!

What else did the chiropractor find out that helped me?
1. I was getting chronic headaches and none of my doctors could tell me why. I even had to go to the Urgent Care for having a headache for 9 days... I had shots in my neck to numb my nerve endings to hopefully help but it just masked the pain. Once I visited the chiropractor, he pinpointed the problem: my posture! Once he adjusted me and I started working on my posture, I haven't had a headache since I started visiting him!
2. I learned I have arthritis in my feet from the pronation. (arthritis?... I'm 26!)
3. I have bad posture and I learned how someone is really supposed to stand (think like a waiter standing at an event--hands clasped in front, shoulders back, neck in).
4. Getting adjusted feels amazing!
5. A lot of people think that you'll never stop going once you start. At least with mine, that is not the case. He is there to help me fix myself. He adjusts me to where I need to be and follows up on things that I need to work on (like my posture, my orthotics, etc). If you do feel the need to go, research before you choose one. Mine is also into holistic healing and never does x-rays (so maybe find one into holistic healing).

Anyway, I'm looking forward to improving my body along with my run times. I have a half marathon on the 9th and that will be the first race I run with my orthotics! Can't say I'm particularly excited about running 13.1 with these today but hopefully by then they are causing me even less discomfort.
